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This 21-day program (March 6th - March 27th) is designed to help you gain energy, improve sleep quality, decrease inflammation & decrease pain. 



During this cleanse we clean up and clean out!  We start with a simple 3 day reboot that jump starts both cleansing and healing the gut.  The key components of this cleanse are to maximize nutrition, rest your digestion and work on rebalancing and rebuilding your gut microbiome.

The program starts with 21 days, but the reality is, many of us need longer than that to repopulate and rebalance the gut and shift the hormonal signaling that is getting us off track.  

What that means is that, often, when the 21 days end you will end up feeling so good that you want to keep key elements of the program. Also, you may notice some areas that are still feeling stuck. If that happens, we can look at what you are experiencing and have a clearer picture of what to do next now that all the problem starters have been eliminated.


One of the things that I love about this cleanse is that it is easily transferable to “real life”. Maintaining the probiotic and nutrient supplements and keeping the food elements that you like will help to make this the first cleanse that you ever wanted to integrate into your life.


Our gut is not only responsible for digesting and assimilating our food (both the “good” food and the “bad” food) but it also directly influences our thoughts, moods and behaviors. The gut and the brain have a bidirectional line of communication. Loop in the hormonal pathways and we have a complex and amazing system.


The products used for this cleanse contain a broad range of targeted prebiotics, probiotics, phytobiotics and postbiotics.  These beneficial bacteria work to not only repopulate and “crowd out” the bad bacteria and reset the offline systems but also to help to reestablish the correct hormonal signaling and neurotransmitter communication.  Doing this helps with gut health (obviously!) but what that means for you is: better mood, improved sleep, decrease in inflammation, improved digestion, improved stress resiliency, hormone balancing and decreased pain.


What you get:

  • Education in bite size pieces

  • Research to support the science behind why working from the ground floor up is so important

  • Recipes to help you make the most of these 3 weeks

  • Weekly videos

  • Group support (Access to a private Facebook group). This is helpful in encouraging you to stick with the program and gives everyone a place to share ideas, struggles and stories about how things are going.

  • One on one support as needed.

  • Fun, resources and community!


This is all free to you except for the purchase of the probiotics!  Here is the link for purchase and the link to join the Facebook group. 

Link for probiotic purchase:

Link for Facebook group.  Please request to join here:


I also recommend purchasing the book: Clean by Alejandro Junger as a helpful resource but it is not necessary.  All the dietary guidelines are pinned in the Facebook group. This cleanse has a foundation in Clean, but varies in a few ways.


Please email or call me ( or 503–312-4223) with any questions!  I am excited to be doing this again as I have seen such great results both personally and with other past participants! 


* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors. Full disclaimer

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